Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog
  • Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog

Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog


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Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog

Bisque Porcelain Shepherd Boy with his Dog


Antique white bisque or parian figure, representing a sitting shepherd boy with his dog. Marked on the side with an impressed number 6757. The figure is 22 cm high.

Condition: Staff damaged, one foot glued

Antiek wit bisquit porseleinen beeldje van een zittende herdersjongen met zijn hond. Aan de zijkant van de sokkel gemerkt met het nummer 6757. Het beeldje is 22 cm hoog. 

Conditie: Staf beschadigd, één voet gelijmd


Data sheet

Parian Ware

Specific References