19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture
  • 19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture

19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture


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19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture

19th C. Virgin Mary with Child Sculpture


Antique large late 19th century sculpture of Virgin Mary holding the little child Jesus. A Gothic Revival statue copy of a Gothic 15th century example from the Utrecht region (the so-called Virgin Mary in the coat of Plenty, see last  picture). Hand carved in pine wood, polychromy removed. Signed on the back. Height 62 cm.

Condition: Good condition, commensurate with age

Antiek en groot laat 19de-eeuws beeld van de Maagd Maria die het kindje Jezus draagt. Een neogotische kopie van een 15de eeuws origineel uit de 15de eeuw uit de regio Utrecht (zie laatste foto) . Handgesneden uit grenenhout, polychromie verwijderd. Gesigneerd aan de achterzijde. Hoogte 62 cm.

Conditie: Goede conditie, in overeenstemming met de leeftijd


Data sheet

Christian Religious Art

Specific References